A Kolossus out of Steel – the Steel Pipe Ram TR 565 rams in Uganda

The Uganda branch of SOGEA SATOM had decided to use the TERRA-Ram TR 565.
Pic. 1: Preparation of the cutting ring for the first steel pipe. It reinforces the „nose“ of the steel pipe.
Pic. 2: Preparation of the ramming pit. A U-Profile is installed with the correct alignment. The U-Profile guides the steel pipe.
Pic. 3: The first steel pipe Ø 1‘500 mm (59“) is lifted into the ramming pit.
Pic. 4: The ram ring and the TR 565 are assembled.
Pic. 5: The steel pipe ram is assembled and connected to the steel pipes. The excavator shovel holds the steel pipe during the first meters.
Pic. 6: A 7m (23 ft) long steel pipe is driven in with a speed of 11 m/h (36 ft/h). The TR 565 is disassembled.
Pic. 7: Totally three 7 m (23 ft) long steel pipes are rammed in (total 21 m = 70 ft).
The steel pipe is cleaned inside with compressed air.