In the German City Ulm/Neu-Ulm the house connections of the fresh water lines are checked by the SWU
Netze GmbH. Leaking house connections will be renewed. The SWU Netze GmbH replaced such a leaking house connection for the first time trenchless with the Cable Burster X 100.
One of these house connections was 27 m (90 ft) long. The leaking old pipe from PE with OD 50 mm (2”) had
to be replaced by a new HDPE pipe with the same dimensions. At 8.00 o’clock in the morning the water
supply to the apartment building was switched off. At the same time the TERRA-EXTRACTOR X 100 was prepared at the opposite side of the road.
The pipe renewal began after the installation of the Cable Burster had been finished. The old PE pipe was cut into two halves with a special cutting technology. PE has a very low ground friction. This causes that the old
PE pipe is pushed through the bore channel to the Cable Burster X 100 during cutting of the old pipe. Therefore a swell cone is assembled in the TERRA-EXTRACTOR X 100. This swell cone cuts the pressed-out old pipe in the frame of the X 100 into two halves.